HomeRESOURCESGeopolitics, global warming make the Ring of Fire as...

Geopolitics, global warming make the Ring of Fire as important as ever – by Stan Sudol (Sudbury Star – June 8, 2024) – Republic of Mining

Construction of a road to the mine site needs to start now
Without a doubt, the Ring of Fire camp and its many strategic minerals that include nickel, copper, platinum group metals, chromite and titanium – just to mention a few as explorers have just scratched the proverbial surface – is the most important mining discovery in Canadian history. It may even exceed the legendary Sudbury Basin someday.
Discovered in 2007, the region is located approximately 450 km northeast of Thunder Bay in the isolated and vast peatlands of Hudson Bay, which itself is roughly the size of Norway but with only about 10,000 people. Contrary to fanatical ENGOs, sustainable mineral development and exploration practices will have minimal impact on the environment and provide the critical minerals needed to stop global warming.
Australian miner Wyloo owns the Eagle’s Nest nickel/copper mine and various chromite deposits. (Wyloo announced last week that it plans to build a $900-million facility in Sudbury to process nickel from Eagle’s Nest for the EV battery market. The facility would create a few hundred jobs here.)
Canadian-owned Juno Corp is the other main explorer in the district and controls roughly 52 percent of the mine claims.
Webeque and Marten Falls First Nations, on whose traditional territories the majority of mineral deposits have been found, support sustainable mineral development.
For the rest of this article: https://www.thesudburystar.com/opinion/columnists/sudbury-column-geopolitics-global-warming-make-the-ring-of-fire-as-important-as-ever

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