Thank you Soumya Sharma for introducing me to this podcast!
As I begin to write, what I realize is that, there’s this entire web of #universe that supports us; sometimes with our knowledge & sometimes we are oblivious of this web. We are all part of the big picture. Truly #life happens for us; for us to evolve, expand, heal & contirbute to the universal good.
It was 2019, just before the pandemic kicked off. Thank God! The travel enthusiast in me made my last trip before the lock down, to Costa Rica. I was attending a #retreat which was a part of my #learning #journey as a #coach. I flew miles & miles apart to be amidst people whom I trusted, loved & who let me be seen for who I am. I didn’t have to try to fit in there. I was just accepted the way I am. My work with this group, played a big role in shifting me as a person.
In the retreat, for the first time in ages, I let my guard down & broke into tears. A group full of strangers (co-participants), contained by my coaches! Something touched me to the core and it melted away! Something that I held onto for long without knowing it. My coach told me that it is so amazing when we let ourselves be seen. Yeah, I was holding myself back too! That day I felt seen, heard, known and accepted. I didn’t have to justify myself, nor prove anything but just feel whatever I was feeling at that moment. And I can’t tell you how impactful that experience was!
There are many instances where people fear to speak up, be vulnerable with people you are surrounded with. The fear of being judged is an inherent aspect in us. We beat around the bush and not arrive at the real thing. It takes a non-judgemental space to open up and share. After having experienced this in my own coaching journey, I have enabled that in my clients too. They cry their hearts out without any fear or inhibition. They are just like me who don’t shed tears unless it becomes unbearble! We have been conditoned to be strong & never let ourselves feel our emotions. The impact of which is so detrimental to the overall wellbeing of a person!
Research says that highly sensitive people are the ones who are more prone to disowning their true selves and wear a mask to cope with life & their environment. The book, “The Drama of the Gifted Child” by Alice Miller is a must read for people who are gifted, highly sensitive & have used either narcissism / depression as their coping strategy.
Being seen, heard, known and accepted is all that we desire. Everything boils down to that. Just that our ways are different depending on where we are, what we do and where we are heading to. Time & again, people I speak to, connect with, share the same with me too. We may deny, but even our purposes are entwined with this reality. However, before anyone accepts us, we must muster the courage to accept ourselves. And that acceptance sometimes may be painful.
True acceptance is accepting yourself fully with all your flaws, unwantedness, uncoolness and things that you have disowned, denied & rejected. Once this stage is achieved, we can then work to achieve the next level as Byron Katie puts it across, “God spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation. Amen.” Want to know more about her deep work? Click below:
Leaving you with these insights from my diary: