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[VIDEO] Apply the Law of Attraction Principles to Grow Your Coaching Business

You can apply the Law of Attraction principles to attract clients and grow your coaching business. I have been using the Law of Attraction for many years to increase my profits in my online coaching business. I will share my 5 steps in the attraction process so you can manifest your next level of success.

Click here to watch this short VIDEO on my Facebook page (and be sure to like my page and leave a comment!)

The 5 steps I cover in this video to attract clients using the Law of Attraction are:

(1) clarify your desire
(2) feel the emotion of having it
(3) clear any fears
(4) embody who you would be after receiving your desire
(5) claim it, affirm it, believe that it is yours now.

Do these 5 step every day until your desire manifests.

If you would like my help to apply law of attraction and manifesting principles as well as smart, simple strategies to grow your coaching business, create a transformational coaching program and attract more clients, take a look at my new coaching program COACH ONLINE ACADEMY.

> > Go here to find out more about COACH ONLINE ACADEMY

Early pricing and special bonuses are on this week for a small group of founding members.

Jan xo

PS: If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level – here are 4 ways I can help you.

1. Join my PATH TO CLIENTS Program and get clients.
If you’re under $10k a month right now: I’m working with a few coaches for the next 6 weeks to help them sign clients, and get on the path to hit $10k/m — without ads, funnels, or tech. If you’d like to get some clients this month, just click here to send me a message with the word “CLIENTS”, and I’ll get you all the details.

2. Grab a copy of my FREE GUIDE
It’s the roadmap to attracting prospects, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Click Here

3. Join other like-minded women in my free FB group
The Women Coaching Online Facebook Community is a space to share ideas, get advice and meet other women who value connection and growth.
Click Here

4. Work with me in a small mastermind group or privately
If you’d like to work directly with me in my brand new program COACH ONLINE ACADEMY to grow and scale your coaching business online, hit reply and drop the word “Academy” in the subject line . . .
or, Click Here to send me a message with the word “Academy”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.

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