When nothing seems to be working as per plan, that’s the time when we are more prone to doing & attracting things in our lives that isn’t for our highest good. The pain of being in that discomfort becomes so unbearable that our physical dimension wants to gravitate to all that we are not & all that we wouldn’t jump into, had things been great as per our perspectives. Many call this the dark night of the soul.
I would rather call it the peak of a breakthrough.
This phase, this moment of endurance is very crucial for our expansion & growth. We can either slip again to our past patterns or jump into the unknown & experience a new way of being. As a human being who incarnated in this life, it is our natural tendency to succumb to our compulsive behaviours & be lured to settle in the known, familiar & what looks doable by our egoic mind. But this life is all about expansion. We can’t keep ourselves in a box.
Expansion is our natural state of being. Denying it is a disservice that we do to ourselves & humanity for we are denying ourselves & all who are meant to be impacted by our expansion, the experience of our evolved perspective.
As you walk your journey of expansion, may you embrace the wisdom of your soul to guide you through all the temporal discomfort & find joy in the ride itself. This life is a ride, it’s on us how we steer through everything that comes our way. The very fears that are holding you back are the very doors that will unlock the path that is ahead of you. Have compassion for your fears, look at it with unconditional presence & love and give it time to transmute to the creative force that it is. After all, just like you, your fears are also seeking for an expression in an expansive way through you to be able to transmute to a higher vibrational energy.
Enjoy the ride of life!
A note to self & all those going through dark times…
Deep Bow,
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